We are so glad to have you join our team!
There are so many different places to serve here at LifePoint. Search below to help find an area you want to serve in and then fill out the form to let us know. After filling out the form, someone from the LifePoint staff will reach out to get you started in the process. Thanks for choosing to serve with us. We could not do it without you!
Cleaning Team

Between Sundays, a lot can happen in our building. Help us make sure we are ready to worship together on Sundays by volunteering to help clean LifePoint.
Greeter team

We need people who are excited to welcome others into the building on Sunday mornings. You may also be asked to help answer questions and to help take up offering.
tech team

Behind a well done Facebook broadcast or great sounding worship team is a faithful tech team. We need people to help run our sound system, run Propresenter (the software we use to display the lyrics and sermon notes) and run cameras to record the service.
Family Ministry team

It takes a village to run Family Ministry. We need people who will help rock babies, lead children's worship, and lead children's small groups.
Student Ministry team

Student Ministry is a lot of fun here at LifePoint. Come help lead a small group on Wednesday nights, offer mentorship to students who really need it, and help with extra events for students.
Worship Team

Can you sing or play an instrument? Be mindful that we believe worship is a lifestyle, and are looking for people ready to live that out.
Small Group Leader TEAM

Small groups are a major part of our ministry here at LifePoint and small group leaders are a big part of that. Small groups are a chance to really focus on going deeper into scripture and to be encouraged by others in your small group.
Comfort Meal Team

A meal is a very tangible representation of love that we can give to those who need it most. Join a team to help coordinate and bring meals to those in our church going through tough times.
Maintenance TEAM

We are always looking for help with maintenance needs - leaky faucets, lawn care, or broken appliances in need of repair. If you like serving others behind the scenes, join our maintenance team.