Sunday Morning Services
9 AM & 10:30 AM
Building located at 840 Witt Road, Franklin, KY 42134
The service is broadcasted on Facebook at 10:30 AM for those needing a virtual option.
What to Expect When You Arrive

Most of our attendees dress very casually, but come in whatever you feel most comfortable wearing.
Feel free to park anywhere in the parking lot. Every Sunday morning you will find people in green t-shirts that say "How Can I Serve You?" on the front. Any of these people will answer your questions, pray for you, and are here to make you feel at home.
For families, we have Kids Worship available for them during the service. If this is your first time, head to the Kids Check-in Area to get signed up and signed in. Alternatively, kids are always welcome to sit in the service!
What to Expect During the Service

Our worship team will lead the church in singing a couple of songs, followed by a sermon. The sermon lasts around 30 minutes. Then, there will be a time of invitation where you can respond to the message, if you feel led to do so. After the invitation, everyone is dismissed with a prayer.
Following the service we have a gift to thank you for joining us! Head to the Welcome Center and let a greeter know. We'd love to connect with you while you are here. You can fill out the connection card or click here.
While your first visit may come with lots of questions and emotions, we want you to know that we are really only about one thing, Jesus. We worship Him, we teach about Him, we pray to Him, and we serve Him. It is our goal that everyone who walks through our doors would be pointed to Jesus. So no matter what happens when you visit, please take time today to meet Jesus.
We’ll see you soon!