"So that the next generation would know..."
Psalm 78:6

Cayce Turner
Have Questions? Let's Chat!
"I am passionate about partnering with parents and grandparents as they point their children to Jesus."
- Cayce Turner
Partnering with Parents
We believe in partnering with parents to share the gospel with kids. Children DO matter and getting them involved with discipleship is important. Our vision for kids is the same as it is for adults. We want kids to first and foremost Know God, Grow Spiritually, and get involved Serving Others.
We do not remove children from service out of convenience, but as a way to disciple them on their level.
Sunday Mornings
New Here?
We are so excited to have you visit with us! Upon your arrival, come see us at the Kids' Check-In desk, and we will get you and your family signed in. If you haven't filled out the registration form already, click here to pre-register or we will have a paper copy for you to fill out when you arrive.
LifePoint Nursery & Littles

While children and their wiggles and noise are always welcome in our sanctuary, we would love to have your babies-preschoolers join us!
Babies (Birth - 3 years) are invited to join us in Nursery. Loving volunteers will care for our littles. Our vision is that, even at a tender age, kids will begin to know of God and His love through our care. LP Littles' Nursery is available during both services on Sundays at 9 & 10:30 AM, with nursery opening 15 minutes before the services.
Kids (3 years - Pre-K) are invited to engage in a worship experience just for them. Toddlers and preschoolers will sing, play, and begin to know God created them and loves them very much. LP Littles' Worship is offered at both services on Sundays at 9 & 10:30 AM and will be dismissed from the sanctuary immediately before the sermon.
Lifepoint kids
Kids (Kindergarten - 5th Grade) are invited to engage in a worship service just for them. LP Kids will have both a large group and small group experience that will meet them where they are on their journey to Know God, Grow Spiritually, and Serve Others. LP Kids' Worship is offered at both services on Sundays at 9 & 10:30 AM and those children will be dismissed from the sanctuary immediately before the sermon.
Mid-Week Small Groups
"Our Goal is that Our kids would see how Big our god is through SMALL Groups"

Kids' Mid-Week Small Groups (Pre-K - 5th Grade) are a chance to intentionally disciple your kid at their level with peers in their age group, in a setting that is safe and fun. They will be led by two adult Family Ministry volunteers and meet on Wednesdays from 6 - 7:30 PM, during the school year.
For more information, contact Cayce Turner.